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Graphical Abstract


Urban noise is a common environmental exposure that may increase the burden of hypertension in communities, yet it is largely unstudied in the United States, and it has not been studied in relation to blood pressure (BP) control. We investigated associations of urban noise with BP levels and control in the United States. We used repeated BP and medication data from Chicago-based participants of the Chicago Health and Aging Project (≥65 years) and MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; ≥45 years). Using a spatial prediction model with project-specific measurements, we estimated noise at participant homes. We imputed BP levels for those on medication and used mixed-effects models to evaluate associations with noise. Logistic regression was used for uncontrolled and apparent treatment-resistant hypertension. Models were run separately by cohort and altogether, all with adjustment for age, sex, sociodemographic factors, and other plausible sources of confounding. We evaluated 16 462 BP measurements from 6764 participants (6073 Chicago Health and Aging Project and 691 MESA) over an average of 4 years. For both cohorts, we found that greater levels of noise were associated with higher BP levels and greater risk of apparent treatment-resistant hypertension. In our pooled models, 10-dBA higher residential noise levels corresponded to 1.2 (95% CI, 0.1–2.2) and 1.1 mm Hg greater (95% CI, 0.6–1.7) systolic and diastolic BPs as well as a 20% increased odds of apparent treatment-resistant hypertension (odds ratio per 10 dBA: 1.2 [95% CI, 1.0–1.4], P=0.04). Urban noise may increase BP levels and complicate hypertension treatment in the United States.


A high proportion of individuals who have hypertension is uncontrolled1,2 or resistant to treatment.3–5 Recent analyses showed a concerning declining trend in blood pressure (BP) control, with older adults the least likely to have controlled BP.6,7 Altogether these indicate that hypertension will continue to result in substantial costs to the nation.8
The contribution of common environmental exposures to hypertension and BP control may be important to consider because these exposures can be modified at the population level.9 For example, exposure to urban noise is a highly prevalent risk factor for high BP.10 Previously, noise has been associated with major pathways that lead to higher BP and worse control, including eliciting stress responses,11,12 disrupting sleep,13 and other mechanisms,14,15 as well as increased risks of hypertension16,17 and cardiovascular events.18,19 However, these effects have largely been unstudied in the United States and are not considered in current national regulatory standards for noise, although there are effective ways to reduce exposure. Additionally, despite the associations with risk factors for resistant hypertension, noise has not been directly linked with this important outcome. This article aims to quantify associations of urban noise with both BP levels and control in older adults in Chicago, IL, using data from 2 large, prospective cohort studies.


Because of the sensitive nature of the data collected for this study, requests to access the data set from qualified researchers trained in human subject confidentiality protocols may be sent to Rush University School of Medicine at [email protected] (Chicago Health and Aging Project [CHAP]) or Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, University of Washington, at [email protected] (MESA [Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis]).

Study Population

This analysis draws data from 2 prospective cohort studies of older adults: MESA and CHAP. MESA was designed to investigate subclinical cardiovascular disease and the risk factors for progression to clinical cardiovascular disease. To this end, MESA enrolled 6814 participants from 6 metropolitan areas between 2000 and 2002, who were between 45 and 84 years of age and free of clinical cardiovascular disease. Individuals were observed in clinical examinations at baseline and during 4 follow-up visits in 2002 to 2004, 2004 to 2005, 2005 to 2008, and 2010 to 2012.20 Since we have a noise model in only Chicago, IL, for this study, we restricted our analysis to the 1164 Chicago-based MESA participants for whom we could estimate noise levels.
CHAP was initiated in 1993 in Chicago to study the risk factors for chronic conditions with an emphasis on cognition.21,22 Investigators enrolled a total of 10 802 residents on a rolling basis who were aged 65 years or older and conducted in-home study visits triennially. To be consistent with the MESA cohort, we focused on participants observed after 2000. Study protocols from both studies were approved by the institutional review boards of each study site (Rush University Medical Center, Northwestern University, and the University of Washington), all participants provided written consent for inclusion in CHAP and MESA, and this research was approved by the institutional review board at the University of Michigan.

BP Levels and Control

Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BPs were measured in both cohorts during each participant contact. After participants rested for 5 minutes in a seated position, BP measurements were collected using a sphygmomanometer. To get a stable estimate of BP, we averaged 2 sequential BP measurements from each participant at each exam. We used the hypertension definition contemporaneous with the assessment which was SBP≥140 mm Hg or DBP≥90 mm Hg23 or being on antihypertensive medication (self-reported), although the recent thresholds were also used in secondary analyses.24
BP control was defined as a 3-level outcome: not hypertensive or controlled (measured SBP<140 and DBP<90 and on antihypertensive medication), uncontrolled hypertension (measured SBP≥140 or DBP≥90 mm Hg, regardless of medication), and apparent treatment-resistant hypertension (aTRH). aTRH was defined as being on >4 classes of antihypertensive medication or being on 3 or more classes of antihypertensive medication (including a diuretic) and remaining hypertensive.3 Data on medication adherence was not available, thus only aTRH could be ascertained.

Noise Modeling

We estimated each participant’s long-term noise exposure using a prediction model developed for Chicago based upon 2 intensive sampling campaigns conducted between 2006 and 2007.25,26 Briefly, 5-minute grab samples of A-weighted noise levels in decibels (dBA) were taken at 136 locations across the Chicago area during nonrush hour periods to capture noise near participant residences and locations with different proximities to local noise sources (eg, highways, airports). A-weighting was used so that our noise estimates would reflect what is actually perceived by the human ear by reducing decibel values for frequencies that are imperceptible to the human ear. We constructed a land-use regression model in which geographic covariates (eg, land use, proximity to roadways, bus stops, and trains) were used to predict noise measurements. We then used this model to estimated individual-level, long-term noise exposure for all participants based on their 5-year residential history before each interview.
Our models showed strong predictive power with a leave-one-out cross-validated R2 of nearly 0.7. In addition, an external validation data set collected in 2016 demonstrated strong stability in the spatial variation of noise levels across time. Samples collected from the same locations in 2016 and 2006/2007 had a correlation of 0.8, indicating that the spatial differences remained stable. Data from 2016 similarly showed stability in the key predictors of noise captured by the previous model (Table S1 in the Supplemental Material).

Covariates for the Estimation of the Noise-BP Association

From participant interviews, we had self-reported data on each participant’s age, sex, race and ethnicity, income, education, smoking status, alcohol intake, physical activity, and medications. Height and weight were also measured. A subsample in CHAP and all MESA participants were also administered a food frequency questionnaire. At each participant address, we obtained additional environmental factors: air and light pollution levels. Annual average ambient concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were estimated based on a spatiotemporal model derived from intensive monitoring data in the MESA Air Pollution Study.27 Both NOx and PM2.5 are important as they act as surrogates of traffic-related air pollution, which may be a key source of confounding in the estimated noise-BP association. Light pollution is also associated with urbanization and cardiovascular outcomes.28,29 Total brightness levels at participant addresses were obtained from publicly available data.30 On the area level, we generated a neighborhood socioeconomic score using a principal components analysis of census block-level data, such as percentage of residents with a bachelor’s degree, median home value, and household income.31

Statistical Methods

First, we used multivariable linear mixed models with random person-specific intercepts to estimate associations of long-term residential noise exposure with SBP and DBP levels. For these regression analyses, and following the methodological literature,32,33 we imputed BP levels separately by cohort to adjust for antihypertensive medication use. Conceptually this approach approximates what a participant’s BP would be if they were not on hypertensive medications, as a function of their age, sex, race, and class(es) of antihypertensive medication(s).
Next, we examined the association of noise levels with BP control by modeling the association with a 3-level categorical outcome: normal BP or controlled hypertension (comparison population), uncontrolled hypertension, and aTRH. We used a multinomial nominal logistic regression with generalized estimating equations to account for repeated measures for each participant. This generates separate estimands for each outcome-level (uncontrolled hypertension or aTRH), which represent the difference in odds of the outcome-level with an increase in noise levels, as compared to the normal/controlled hypertension group (referent level).
All models were run stratified by cohort and altogether since there was no evidence of effect modification as evidenced by an interaction term between noise and cohort in our pooled model. We adjusted for visit-specific variables (age, calendar time,34 and smoking status) and time-invariant variables (sex, race, income, education, NOx neighborhood socioeconomic score). Since we observed statistical differences in BP levels and relationships of BP with key covariates by cohort, we also included a cohort term in our combined models as well as interaction terms of cohort with age, race, and sex. All associations are scaled to a 10 dBA increase in noise.
In secondary analyses, we checked for nonlinearity of the associations between noise and BP using b-splines and categories of exposure overall and stratified by cohort. We further explored adjustment for additional potential sources of confounding (body mass index, current alcohol use, physical activity, and dietary sodium; PM2.5 and light pollution) as well as adjustment for possible selection bias due to attrition, using an inverse probability weighting approach.35 Although our primary hypothesis is that exposure to noise would result in a reversible shift in BP levels, we still tested whether noise was associated with altered aging trajectories by estimating the difference in the BP rate of change per year of age, using a noise by age interaction term. Finally, to check for consistency with our main findings, we explored associations with prevalent but not incident hypertension due to the very small number of CHAP participants who were not hypertensive at baseline.


After subsetting to participants with complete exposure and covariate and medication data after 2000, we had a total study population of 6764 participants (n=6073 CHAP participants; n=691 MESA participants) with 16 462 repeated measures of BP. For MESA participants, noise exposures were only available within Chicago city limits thus those in the Chicago suburbs were excluded from the analysis. Additionally, participants who had geocovariate values that required extrapolation beyond the limits of the noise model were excluded. As aforementioned, CHAP was initiated before 2000, and participant data from before 2000 were also excluded to match the time period of MESA.
As shown in Table 1, there were more females than males (38% male) in the study population, and most participants self-reported their race as Black (60%) or White (38%) with only a few identifying as Chinese (1%). The mean age at baseline was 73 years (SD: 8) and correspondingly, most of the study population (86%) was classified as having hypertension at baseline. SBP and DBP were, on average, lower in MESA participants than in CHAP participants, who tended to be older and were more likely to self-report their race as Black, and had less education and lower incomes (Table 1). Participants also experienced a wide range of long-term exposure to residential noise (51–81 dBA; Figure S1) and air pollution (NOx range: 18.8–69.3 ppb), although in this population, noise was weakly correlated with NOx, PM2.5, or light pollution levels (Pearson correlation <0.3).
Table. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population, N (%) or mean (SD)
VariablePooled (n=6764)MESA (n=691)CHAP (n=6073)
Age, y72.7 (8.0)63.2 (10.1)73.8 (7.0)
Follow-up, y4.3 (3.7)8.0 (2.6)3.8 (3.6)
Study cohort
 HS/some college67.0%31.3%71.1%
 More than college5.8%37.6%2.2%
 <$14 999 (CHAP)/<$15 999 (MESA)20.7%8.7%22.0%
 ≤$29 99934.3%13.6%36.7%
 >$29 99941.8%75.8%38.0%
Neighborhood SES (higher is more disadvantage)0.0 (1.0)−1.8 (1.4)0.2 (0.7)
BMI, kg/m228.3 (6.1)27.2 (5.2)28.5 (6.2)
Smoking status
Imputed SBP, mm Hg141.3 (20.5)126.6 (19.7)143.0 (19.9)
Observed SBP, mm Hg134.0 (18.6)123.4 (20.1)135.2 (18.1)
Imputed DBP, mm Hg80.2 (11.4)73.0 (9.8)81.0 (11.2)
Observed DBP, mm Hg76.5 (11.0)71.1 (10.0)77.1 (11.0)
Had hypertension*86.1%57.6%89.3%
 Uncontrolled and 1–2 medications49.1%19.5%52.5%
Noise, dBA56.5 (3.5)59.4 (5.7)56.2 (2.9)
NOx, ppb41.8 (6.6)44.4 (6.6)41.5 (6.5)
aTRH indicates apparent treatment-resistant hypertension; BMI, body mass index; CHAP, Chicago Health and Aging Project; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HS, high school; MESA, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; NOx, nitrogen oxides; SBP, systolic blood pressure; and SES, socioeconomic score.
Hypertensive (antihypertensive medication or SBP≥130 mm Hg or DBP≥80 mm Hg).
Uncontrolled hypertension (1–2 classes of antihypertensive medication and, SBP≥130 mm Hg or DBP≥80 mm Hg).
aTRH (≥3 antihypertensive medication classes, including a diuretic and hypertensive, or ≥4 antihypertensive medication classes).

Associations With BP

Positive associations between noise and BP were present in both CHAP and MESA (Figure 1). Following adjustment for personal and neighborhood characteristics, a 10-dBA greater residential noise level was associated with 0.6 (95% CI, −0.6 to 1.8), 2.9 (95% CI, 0.6–5.3), and 1.2 (95% CI, 0.1–2.2) mm Hg higher SBP in CHAP, MESA, and both cohorts, respectively. Likewise, there was a 1.1 (95% CI, 0.6–1.7), 1.3 (95% CI, 0.1–2.5), and 1.1 mm Hg higher DBP (95% CI, 0.4–1.7) for a 10 dBA increase in noise for CHAP, MESA, and both cohorts, respectively. Although associations with SBP (but not DBP) were suggestively stronger in the MESA cohort, these results were not statistically different from one another. These associations were monotonic and largely linear (Figure 2), insensitive to different adjustments for antihypertensive medication use (Figure S2), adjustment for additional putative confounders, including coexposures (Figure S3), and incorporation of inverse probability weighting to adjust for possible selection bias from differential attrition (Figure S3). Our secondary analyses also indicated that noise was associated with prevalent hypertension (odds ratio, 1.2 [95% CI, 1.0–1.3]) but was not associated with the pace at which BPs changed as participants aged (Table S2).
Figure 1. Overall and study-specific associations between noise and blood pressure (BP) levels and control. We observed that noise was associated with greater BP levels and increased odds of apparent treatment-resistant hypertension in both our overall models and study-specific models. Models adjusted for adjusted for calendar time, visit age, sex, race, income, education, neighborhood socioeconomic score (SES), smoking status, air pollution, study cohort, and study cohort by age, sex, race, and education interaction terms. Note that 95% CI does not account for imputations. Associations are scaled to a 10 dBA increase in noise. aTRH indicates apparent treatment-resistant hypertension; CHAP, Chicago Health and Aging Project; DBP, diastolic BP; MESA, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; and SBP, systolic BP.
Figure 2. Multivariable-adjusted dose-response associations between noise and blood pressure levels. Using splines, we observed a linear dose-response association between noise and blood pressure, where increase in noise levels were associated with increases in both systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Models adjusted for calendar time, visit age, sex, race, income, education, neighborhood socioeconomic score (SES), smoking status, air pollution, study cohort, and study cohort by age, sex, race, and education interaction terms. Note that 95% CI does not account for imputations.

Associations With BP Control

Noise was associated with aTRH (odds ratio, 1.2 [95% CI, 1.0–1.4], P=0.04) and were consistent across both study cohorts (Figure 1; CHAP: 1.2 [95% CI, 1.0–1.4]; MESA: 1.4 [95% CI, 0.8–2.4]). These associations were not sensitive to changes in BP cutoffs and were robust to further adjustment for environmental factors (light pollution and PM2.5), and body mass index, physical activity, alcohol intake, and sodium intake, although the latter slightly strengthened the association with aTRH in the subsample with data on these parameters (n=3047, Figure S3).


In this analysis of 2 cohorts of older adults in Chicago, IL, we found evidence that higher long-term urban noise levels were associated with both greater BP levels and greater odds of resistant hypertension. Importantly, the observed associations were robust across both independent cohorts even after adjustment for socioeconomic factors and other traffic-related air pollutants. At increases of 1.2 mm Hg in SBP and 1.1 mm Hg in DBP per 10 dBA, the magnitude of the observed associations is also roughly equivalent to changes in BP between persons differing by 1.5 years of age. On the population level, a shift in the mean SBP by as little as 1 mm Hg is expected to result in 10 to 20 additional heart failure-related hospitalizations and deaths per 100 000 person-years in the United States.36 Since more than half of US city-dwellers experiencing noise above the World Health Organization’s recommended residential levels,37 this work suggests that urban noise may be an important yet understudied and modifiable risk factor for high BP and poor BP control in US communities.
There are plausible biological mechanisms to support observed associations between noise exposures and high BP and worse control. Current hypotheses include pathways of an endocrine stress response11,12 and alterations in sympathetic tone that are initiated by noise annoyance, sleep disruption,10 or via other direct mechanisms.14,15 Evidence for these mechanisms can be found in rats where noise induced a range of stress-related responses including increased BP and stress hormones.38 DNA damage has also been found in the adrenal gland (an important player in the stress response) of noise-exposed animals that persisted for 24 hours.39 The same mechanisms appear activated in humans with evidence of changes in heart rate variability,40 impaired endothelial function, increased levels stress hormones41 and other stress responses19,42 where nighttime noise43,44 was found to be especially harmful. Nighttime noise exposure has additional impacts of disrupting circadian rhythms and sleep.13 Many of the aforementioned mechanisms also overlap with those that have been associated with uncontrolled and resistant hypertension,45,46 in particular the sleep disruption pathway,3 and warrant further investigation. Finally, in addition to direct impacts, noise may indirectly affect BP through responses elicited by changes in mood, appetite, and cognitive performance, the last of which has been shown specifically in the CHAP cohort included in this analysis.25
This research contributes to the literature as a comprehensive population-based study of associations between urban noise levels and BPs and BP control in older adults in the United States. It is consistent with a recent smaller US study investigating noise and stress mechansisms,19 as well as adding to the previous research of noise as a risk factor for BP47–50 and hypertension in Europe.16,17,51 It was previously hypothesized that the strength of the associations might differ due to different urban forms (eg, street configuration, building construction, layout, and ventilation) in the United States since the work of Foraster et al52,53 suggests that building structures may play a strong role in the associations of noise and BP. Our findings, however, suggest that associations observed in Europe are also likely relevant to the US population. Evidence of this relationship is strengthened by consistent findings across 2 independent cohorts of older adults. Collectively, these findings are important since the last guidelines for community noise levels in the United States were set by the Environmental Protection Agency in the 1970s to protect against hearing loss and these do not consider other end points like BP levels. As a result, the current US standard is nearly 2 times more permissible than standards set by the European Union to also minimize cardiovascular disease at 40 dBA for nighttime and 50 dB for daytime noise.
We leveraged 2 large prospective population-based cohort studies with well-collected and comparable measures of BP, medication, and important covariates. As such, our analyses included detailed adjustment for both socioeconomic factors and traffic-related air pollution, which are both established risk factors for cardiovascular disease9,54–60 and correlates of noise.61–63 Repeated measures of BP and medication use over several years also reduced the likelihood of bias due to between-person confounding.17 In addition, this detailed data allowed us to investigate associations with both continuous biological parameter (BP) as well as BP control and hypertension, 2 clinically relevant outcomes. Our exposure assessment was unique for the United States, which historically has not had community noise exposure assessments. Finally, the consistency of the noise association across 2 independent cohort studies strengthens the evidence that noise is adversely associated with BP.

Study Limitations

Our study had limitations that warrant mention. Our noise assessment, while an improvement over that of previous studies,17 was still an aggregate measure and did not allow us to disentangle the different aspects of noise exposure including timing of exposure, factors affecting exposure,64 and originating source. We also used noise levels based on daytime and outdoor levels, which have not been associated with BP as strongly as nighttime48 and indoor noise,52 and failed to capture any temporal characteristics of noise that can elicit strong stress reactions such as intermittent noise fluctuations,65 peak nighttime noise, and the timing of the nighttime noise exposure,43 which would help us determine whether noise is detrimental by disrupting sleep.43,44 Similarly, we did not have data on factors that affect noise exposures, such as window-opening and room orientation. Collectively, this likely added greater imprecision to our exposure measure and may have reduced our ability to detect the true magnitude of the association between noise and BP. Notably although data on noise sources may be important from a noise mitigation perspective, a recent meta-analysis found no difference in associations between air, roadway, and railway noise with prevalent hypertension.16 Finally, our analysis that conditions on hypertension and hypertension medication use has the potential to bias observed associations if predictors of higher levels of noise, such as socioeconomic score, also predict treatment-related factors like participants’ adherence and suboptimal dosing. We suspect that this is not too problematic since our models were robust to adjustment for socioeconomic score.


In summary, this research showed that not only is noise associated with higher BPs but also newly associates noise with resistant hypertension. These findings and its consistency across 2 cohorts and with those results reported in Europe, altogether suggest that that body of literature has direct relevance to possible standard setting in the United States. Such standards could have wide impacts as 50% or 100 million of Americans experience noise at high levels66 and thus may be an effective means of improving BP levels. Further research is warranted into the specific characteristics of noise that are harmful, especially nighttime noise.


We thank the other investigators, the staff, and the participants of the MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) and CHAP (Chicago Health and Aging Project) studies for their valuable contributions. A full list of participating MESA investigators and institutions can be found at We declare they have no actual or potential competing financial interests. We thank Drexel Urban Health Collaborative for data and technical support. We take sole responsibility for all data analyses, interpretation, and views expressed in this work.

Novelty and Significance

What Is New?

This analysis leverages 2 cohort studies in Chicago, IL, to estimate associations between urban noise exposure and blood pressure and resistant hypertension.

What Is Relevant?”

Greater urban noise exposure is associated with higher blood pressures and odds of resistant hypertension.


This research suggests that the adoption of strategies for mitigating urban noise may be an effective means of improving blood pressure levels and control among the 50% or 100 million of Americans who experience noise at high levels.


Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms

apparent treatment-resistant hypertension
blood pressure
Chicago Health and Aging Project
decibels (A-weighted)
diastolic blood pressure
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
nitrogen oxides
particulate matter
systolic blood pressure

Supplemental Material

File (hyp_hype-2021-17708_supp1.pdf)


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Pages: 1801 - 1808
PubMed: 34689591


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Received: 13 May 2021
Accepted: 15 September 2021
Published online: 25 October 2021
Published in print: December 2021


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  1. blood pressure
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  4. hypertension
  5. noise




School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (J.D., S.D.A.).
Jennifer Weuve [email protected]
School of Public Health, Boston University, MA (J.W.).
Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (R.D.B.).
Denis A. Evans
Rush University School of Medicine, Chicago, IL (D.A.E.).
School of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle (J.D.K.).
Sara D. Adar
School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (J.D., S.D.A.).
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle (J.D.K.).


The Supplemental Material is available with this article at Supplemental Material.
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 1807.
Correspondence to: Jennifer D’Souza, University of Michigan, 1415 Washington Heights, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Email [email protected]



Sources of Funding

This work was supported by American Heart Association Grant no. 16GRNT30960046/Sara D. Adar/2016. The Chicago Health and Aging Project (CHAP) was funded with awards from the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health (NIA/NIH) under award AG011101. This publication was developed under a STAR research assistance agreement, no. RD831697 (MESA [Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis] Air), awarded by the US Environmental protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by the EPA, however, and the views expressed in this document are solely those of the authors. The EPA also does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication. This work was also supported by the NIH (R01-HL086719 and R01 HL071759). MESA was further supported by contracts N01-HC-95159 through N01-HC-95169 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and by grants UL1-TR-000040 and UL1-RR-025005 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR). One author (J.D. Kaufman) was supported by P30 ES07033 and K24 ES013195.

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  1. Structural and social determinants of health: The multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis, PLOS ONE, 19, 11, (e0313625), (2024).
  2. The influence of occupational noise exposure on blood pressure and hearing loss among female workers of childbearing age, BMC Public Health, 24, 1, (2024).
  3. Sex-specific associations between the environmental exposures and low-grade inflammation and increased blood pressure in young, healthy subjects, Scientific Reports, 14, 1, (2024).
  4. Associations of the neighbourhood built and natural environment with cardiometabolic health indicators: A cross-sectional analysis of environmental moderators and behavioural mediators, Environmental Research, 240, (117524), (2024).
  5. The Environment and High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, (101-105), (2024).
  6. Neighbourhood Urban Environments and Cognitive Health in Ageing Populations, Environmental Neuroscience, (303-354), (2024).
  7. Potential New Drug Targets Modulating the Environmentally-Induced Oxidative Stress in the Cardiovascular System, Environmental Factors in the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Diseases, (555-585), (2024).
  8. The Modern Environment: The New Secondary Cause of Hypertension?, Medicina, 59, 12, (2095), (2023).
  9. Occupational Noise-Induced Pre-Hypertension and Determinant Factors Among Metal Manufacturing Workers in Gondar City Administration, Northwest Ethiopia, Vascular Health and Risk Management, Volume 19, (21-30), (2023).
  10. Association between Noise and Cardiovascular Disease in a Nationwide U.S. Prospective Cohort Study of Women Followed from 1988 to 2018, Environmental Health Perspectives, 131, 12, (2023).
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Long-Term Exposures to Urban Noise and Blood Pressure Levels and Control Among Older Adults
  • Vol. 78
  • No. 6

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