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Background and Purpose—

It is unknown whether noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT) can identify patients who will benefit from intra-arterial treatment (IAT) in the extended time window. We sought to characterize baseline Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) in DAWN (DWI or CTP Assessment With Clinical Mismatch in the Triage of Wake-Up and Late Presenting Strokes Undergoing Neurointervention With Trevo) and to assess whether ASPECTS modified IAT effect.


Core lab adjudicated ASPECTS scores were analyzed. The trial cohort was divided into 2 groups by qualifying imaging (computed tomography versus magnetic resonance imaging). ASPECTS-by-treatment interaction was tested for the trial coprimary end points (90-day utility-weighted modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score and mRS, 0–2), mRS 0 to 3, and ordinal mRS. ASPECTS was evaluated separately as an ordinal and a dichotomized (0–6 versus 7–10) variable.


Of 205 DAWN subjects, 123 (60%) had NCCT ASPECTS, and 82 (40%) had diffusion weighted imaging ASPECTS. There was a significant ordinal NCCT ASPECTS-by-treatment interaction for 90-day utility-weighted mRS (interaction P=0.04) and mRS 0 to 2 (interaction P=0.02). For both end points, IAT effect was more pronounced at higher NCCT ASPECTS. The dichotomized NCCT ASPECTS-by-treatment interaction was significant only for mRS 0 to 2 (interaction P=0.04), where greater treatment benefit was seen in the ASPECTS 7 to 10 group (odds ratio, 7.50 [2.71–20.77] versus odds ratio, 0.48 [0.04–5.40]). A bidirectional treatment effect was observed in the NCCT ASPECTS 0 to 6 group, with treatment associated with not only more mRS 0 to 3 outcomes (50% versus 25%) but also more mRS 5 to 6 outcomes (40% versus 25%). There was no significant modification of IAT effect by diffusion weighted imaging ASPECTS.


Baseline NCCT ASPECTS appears to modify IAT effect in DAWN. Higher NCCT ASPECTS was associated with greater benefit from IAT. No treatment interaction was observed for diffusion weighted imaging ASPECTS.


The DAWN trial (DWI or CTP Assessment With Clinical Mismatch in the Triage of Wake-Up and Late Presenting Strokes Undergoing Neurointervention With Trevo) and DEFUSE 3 trial (Endovascular Therapy Following Imaging Evaluation for Ischemic Stroke 3) established the benefit of intra-arterial treatment (IAT) in carefully selected patients who were treated between 6 to 24 hours and 6 to 16 hours from time last seen well, respectively.1,2 Both trials used computed tomography (CT) perfusion or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; diffusion with or without perfusion imaging) to identify patients who had small infarcts in the setting of a clinical or imaging mismatch. Yet it remains uncertain whether such advanced imaging is necessary for patient selection in the extended time window. Establishing the utility of noncontrast CT (NCCT) for IAT selection beyond 6 hours would enable more centers to offer thrombectomy in the extended time window, given the wider availability of NCCT at stroke centers.3,4
Baseline infarct size is typically assessed to exclude patients with large infarcts from IAT as well as to predict functional outcome after treatment.5,6 The Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) is a semiquantitative method to determine infarct size on NCCT scans and has been shown to predict functional outcomes and symptomatic hemorrhage after IAT.7 One of the early window IAT trials primarily used baseline NCCT ASPECTS for excluding moderate-large infarcts for patient selection up to 8 hours.8 However, a subgroup analysis of the MR CLEAN trial (Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands) did not find a significant modification of IAT effect by NCCT ASPECTS within the 6-hour window.9 However, as time progresses, ischemic hypoattenuation on NCCT indicating acute infarction becomes more apparent due to the progressive uptake of water by the infarcted cerebral tissue through the degraded blood-brain barrier.10 Based on this, the interaction between baseline NCCT ASPECTS and treatment effect may be different in the extended time window compared with the traditional time window.
We sought to assess the prognostic value of NCCT ASPECTS in the DAWN trial and to determine whether treatment effect varied based on ASPECTS.

Patients and Methods

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. This study is a post hoc analysis of the DAWN trial results. DAWN was a prospective, randomized, controlled, multicenter, Bayesian adaptive-enrichment trial comparing mechanical thrombectomy with Trevo plus standard medical management to medical management alone in eligible patients with evidence of a clinical-imaging mismatch (CIM) in whom treatment could be initiated between 6 and 24 hours of time last seen well. The trial protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board at each participating site. All patients or their legal representatives provided written informed consent before randomization. The study methods and patient selection criteria have been previously reported.1
Imaging inclusion criteria were occlusion of the intracranial internal carotid artery or the first segment of the middle cerebral artery (M1) along with evidence of CIM using age-adjusted criteria. The CIM groups were as follows: A=estimated infarct<21 mL, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) ≥10, age≥80; B=estimated infarct<31 mL, NIHSS≥10, age<80; C=estimated infarct 31 to <51 mL, NIHSS≥20, age <80.
ASPECTS was scored on baseline and follow-up scans by the core imaging lab, which was blinded to all clinical data. ASPECTS was calculated by subtracting the number of affected regions from a total possible score of 10, such that lower scores correspond to larger infarcts. In this study, we included the 205 DAWN subjects who had core lab-adjudicated baseline ASPECTS, which were used for this analysis. One subject did not have an available baseline NCCT for analysis by the core lab. This was a transfer patient in whom only CT angiography and CT perfusion (CTP) were performed at the treating hospital, and the original NCCT could not be obtained from the referring hospital.

Statistical Analysis

The outcomes evaluated in this post hoc analysis included the trial coprimary end points: utility-weighted modified Rankin Scale score (UW-mRS) and the rate of functional independence (mRS 0–2), both at 90 days. Additional outcomes were 90-day ordinal mRS and 90-day moderate outcome (mRS, 0–3). The prognostic relationship between baseline ASPECTS and UW-mRS was evaluated using Spearman rank correlation, as well as multivariable linear regression adjusting for age, NIHSS, and treatment. Treatment effect was calculated for the IAT group compared with the standard care group using multivariable linear regression for UW-mRS, multivariable logistic regression for mRS 0 to 2 and mRS 0 to 3, and multivariable median regression for better functional outcome on ordinal mRS. Median regression analysis was performed rather than ordinal logistic regression using a proportional odds model to avoid assumptions related to the distribution of mRS scores. Multiplicative interaction terms were used to test the interaction between baseline ASPECTS and treatment effect. The interaction terms were reported both unadjusted and adjusted for age and NIHSS. All analyses were performed with ASPECTS as an ordinal variable and separately as a dichotomized variable (0–6 versus 7–10) and were performed separately for the NCCT data and the MRI diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) data. In subjects who underwent both baseline NCCT and DWI (n=21), they were assigned to the imaging modality that took place closer to randomization. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS software version 9.4 (Cary, NC). Statistical significance was defined as P<0.05.


Baseline Clinical and Imaging Characteristics by ASPECTS Dichotomized Grouping

A total of 206 subjects were enrolled in the DAWN trial, of whom 205 had core lab adjudicated ASPECTS. There were 123 (60%) subjects in the baseline NCCT ASPECTS group and 82 (40%) subjects in the baseline DWI ASPECTS group.
Baseline characteristics for the entire NCCT cohort and for the dichotomized NCCT ASPECTS subgroups are summarized in Table 1. Sixty-two (50.4%) of the 123 subjects were female; mean age was 69.6±14 years; and median NIHSS score was 17 (interquartile range [IQR], 13–21). Eleven (8.9%) subjects received intravenous alteplase, and 65 (52.8%) presented with a wake-up stroke. The median baseline NCCT ASPECTS was 8 (IQR, 7–9): 8 (IQR, 8–9) for CIM A; 7.5 (IQR, 6–9) for CIM B; and 7 (IQR, 5–8) for CIM C. Twenty-six (21.1%) subjects had ASPECTS 0 to 6. Baseline characteristics were generally balanced between the 2 ASPECTS subgroups, except for the percentage of patients with atrial fibrillation, which was higher in the NCCT ASPECTS 7 to 10 group (39.4% versus 11.5%). Baseline CTP-estimated infarct volume was larger in the NCCT ASPECTS 0 to 6 group (15.6±12.3 versus 7.4±9.6; Table 1 and Table I in the Data Supplement).
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics in NCCT Patients
 Overall Cohort (N=123)NCCT ASPECTS 0–6 (N=26)NCCT ASPECTS 7–10 (N=97)P Value (ASPECTS 0–6 vs 7–10)
Age, y   0.011
 Mean±SD (N)69.6±14 (123)63.4±11.1 (26)71.2±14.3 (97) 
 Median (Q1–Q3)71 (59–80)64.5 (54–72)75 (61–82) 
Female50.4% (62/123)38.5% (10/26)53.6% (52/97)0.170
Atrial fibrillation33.3% (40/120)11.5% (3/26)39.4% (37/94)0.009*
Diabetes mellitus31.1% (37/119)42.3% (11/26)28% (26/93)0.162
Hypertension78.5% (95/121)84.6% (22/26)76.8% (73/95)0.393
Previous ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack7.6% (9/118)0% (0/24)9.6% (9/94)0.201*
NIHSS score   0.855
 Median (Q1–Q3)17 (13–21)16.5 (13–20)17 (14–21) 
Treatment with IV alteplase8.9% (11/123)7.7% (2/26)9.3% (9/97)0.801
Infarct volume, mL   <0.001
 Mean±SD (N)9.1±10.7 (123)15.6±12.3 (26)7.4±9.6 (97) 
 Median (Q1–Q3)5 (1.2–14.7)14.9 (4.2–20)3 (1–9.7) 
Mode of presentation   0.523
 Un-witnessed stroke34.1% (42/123)30.8% (8/26)35.1% (34/97) 
 Wake-up stroke52.8% (65/123)61.5% (16/26)50.5% (49/97) 
 Witnessed stroke13% (16/123)7.7% (2/26)14.4% (14/97) 
Occlusion site (Core Lab adjudicated)   0.221*
 ICA15.4% (19/123)26.9% (7/26)12.4% (12/97) 
 M182.1% (101/123)73.1% (19/26)84.5% (82/97) 
 M22.4% (3/123)0% (0/26)3.1% (3/97) 
Interval between time LKW and randomization, h   0.326
 Median (Q1–Q3)12.2 (9.6–16.5)14.5 (9.5–17.2)12 (9.9–15.8) 
Interval between time LKW and image acquisition, h   0.247
 Median (Q1–Q3)10.9 (8–14.9)13.4 (8–16.2)10.4 (7.8–14.8) 
90-day mRS, LOCF   0.234
 08.1% (10/123)3.8% (1/26)9.3% (9/97) 
 113.8% (17/123)7.7% (2/26)15.5% (15/97) 
 28.1% (10/123)3.8% (1/26)9.3% (9/97) 
 313.8% (17/123)19.2% (5/26)12.4% (12/97) 
 421.1% (26/123)34.6% (9/26)17.5% (17/97) 
 513.8% (17/123)19.2% (5/26)12.4% (12/97) 
 621.1% (26/123)11.5% (3/26)23.7% (23/97) 
Unless otherwise specified, χ2 tests were performed for categorical variables and t test for continuous variables. ASPECTS indicates Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; CT, computed tomography; ICA, internal carotid artery; LKW, last known well; LOCF, last observation carried forward; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NCCT, noncontrast CT; and NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.
Fishers exact test.
Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
Infarct volume represents the CT perfusion-estimated infarct volume in the primary trial results.
Baseline characteristics for the entire MRI cohort and for the dichotomized DWI ASPECTS subgroups are similarly summarized in Table 2. Fifty-one (62.2%) of the 82 subjects were female; mean age was 70.8±13.2 years; median NIHSS score was 17 (IQR, 13–21). Seven (8.5%) subjects received intravenous alteplase and 48 (58.5%) presented with a wake-up stroke. The median baseline DWI ASPECTS was 8 (IQR, 6–8): 8 (IQR, 8–9) for CIM A; 8 (IQR, 7–8) for CIM B; 5 (IQR, 5–5) for CIM C. Twenty-two (26.8%) subjects had DWI ASPECTS 0 to 6. Baseline characteristics were generally balanced between the 2 groups. Baseline DWI infarct volume was larger in the DWI ASPECTS 0 to 6 group versus the 7 to 10 group (23.7±12.2 versus 11.8±8.7; Table 2 and Table I in the Data Supplement).
Table 2. Baseline Characteristics in MRI ASPECTS Patients
 Overall Cohort (N=82)MRI ASPECTS 0–6 (N=22)MRI ASPECTS 7–10 (N=60)P Value (ASPECTS 0–6 vs 7–10)
Age, y   0.531
 Mean±SD (N)70.8±13.2 (82)69.3±13.7 (22)71.4±13.1 (60) 
 Median (Q1–Q3)73.5 (63–81)72.5 (63–78)75 (63–82) 
Female62.2% (51/82)45.5% (10/22)68.3% (41/60)0.058
Atrial fibrillation34.2% (27/79)40% (8/20)32.2% (19/59)0.590*
Diabetes mellitus23.5% (19/81)14.3% (3/21)26.7% (16/60)0.249
Hypertension75.6% (62/82)68.2% (15/22)78.3% (47/60)0.343
Previous ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack6.5% (5/77)0% (0/19)8.6% (5/58)0.325*
NIHSS score   0.830
 Median (Q1–Q3)17 (13–21)18 (14–22)17 (13–21) 
Treatment with IV alteplase8.5% (7/82)9.1% (2/22)8.3% (5/60)0.913
Infarct volume, mL   <0.001
 Mean±SD (N)15±11 (82)23.7±12.2 (22)11.8±8.7 (60) 
 Median (Q1–Q3)14 (6.4–23)22 (15.8–32.5)11 (3–15.9) 
Mode of presentation   0.631
 Un-witnessed stroke30.5% (25/82)22.7% (5/22)33.3% (20/60) 
 Wake-up stroke58.5% (48/82)63.6% (14/22)56.7% (34/60) 
 Witnessed stroke11% (9/82)13.6% (3/22)10% (6/60) 
Occlusion site (Core Lab adjudicated)   0.883*
 ICA25.6% (21/82)22.7% (5/22)26.7% (16/60) 
 M172% (59/82)77.3% (17/22)70% (42/60) 
 M22.4% (2/82)0% (0/22)3.3% (2/60) 
Interval between time LKW and randomization, h   0.405
 Median (Q1–Q3)13.3 (10.3–15.8)14.1 (10.5–16.8)13.2 (10.2–15.6) 
Interval between time LKW and image acquisition, h   0.470
 Median (Q1–Q3)12.5 (9.1–15.2)13 (9.1–16.2)12.3 (9.2–14.8) 
90-day mRS, LOCF   0.814
 04.9% (4/82)9.1% (2/22)3.3% (2/60) 
 114.6% (12/82)9.1% (2/22)16.7% (10/60) 
 214.6% (12/82)18.2% (4/22)13.3% (8/60) 
 315.9% (13/82)13.6% (3/22)16.7% (10/60) 
 426.8% (22/82)27.3% (6/22)26.7% (16/60) 
 59.8% (8/82)13.6% (3/22)8.3% (5/60) 
 613.4% (11/82)9.1% (2/22)15% (9/60) 
Unless otherwise specified, χ2 tests was performed for categorical variables, and t test for continuous variables. ASPECTS indicates Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; ICA, internal carotid artery; LKW, last known well; LOCF, last observation carried forward; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; and NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.
Fishers exact test.
Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

Prognostic Relationship and Treatment Effect Modification by Baseline NCCT ASPECTS

The rank correlation between baseline NCCT ASPECTS and 90-day UW-mRS was weak but significant for the IAT group (ρ, 0.37, P=0.004) and not significant for the control group (ρ, −0.14, P=0.30). In multivariable analysis adjusted for age, baseline NIHSS, and treatment assignment, the association between NCCT ASPECTS and 90-day UW-mRS did not meet statistical significance (β, 0.43, P=0.06).
Table 3 lists the treatment effect of IAT by ordinal and dichotomized NCCT ASPECTS for the trial coprimary end points in addition to 90-day mRS 0 to 3 and ordinal mRS. There was a significant ordinal ASPECTS-by-treatment interaction for the coprimary end points, 90-day UW-mRS (interaction term P=0.04), and mRS 0 to 2 (interaction term P=0.02; Table 3). In general, the magnitude of treatment effect was greater with higher ASPECTS score for these end points. Similar relationships were seen for 90-day mRS 0 to 3 and ordinal mRS, although the interaction terms were not significant.
Table 3. Comparison of 90-Day mRS Between the Treatment and Control Arms, and the Interaction Between Treatment and ASPECTS
Analysis PopulationOR* [95% CI] (mRS 0–2 vs 3–6)P for InteractionOR* [95% CI] (mRS 0–3 vs 4–6)P for InteractionDifference of Average UW-mRS* [95% CI]P for InteractionMedian mRSP for Interaction§
TreatmentControlP Value
 ASPECTS 3   4 
 ASPECTS 4   65 
 ASPECTS 50.33 [0.02 to 5.03]0.0232.50 [0.25–24.71]0.2370.52 [−3.33 to 4.37]0.04233.50.9410.113
 ASPECTS 6  −3.31 [−8.58 to 1.95]0.042640.0350.113
 ASPECTS 72.92 [0.55 to 15.56]0.0230.89 [0.20–3.91]0.2370.77 [−1.96 to 3.50]0.042440.6080.113
 ASPECTS 8 2.75 [0.67–11.34]0.2372.24 [−0.42 to 4.90]0.0423.540.1650.113
 ASPECTS 911.25 [1.65 to 76.84]0.02327.00 [3.17–230.0]0.2374.77 [2.07 to 7.47]0.042140.0090.113
 ASPECTS 10  2.40 [−8.72 to 13.52]0.042230.7670.113
 ASPECTS 0–60.48 [0.04 to 5.40]0.040#3.00 [0.56–16.07]0.987#0.12 [−2.64 to 2.87]0.163#3.540.7860.731#
 ASPECTS 7–107.50 [2.71 to 20.77]0.040#2.95 [1.29–6.78]0.987#2.42 [0.92 to 3.92]0.163#240.0040.731#
 ASPECTS 3   24 
 ASPECTS 4   4 
 ASPECTS 5 6.00 [0.35–101.6]0.2822.25 [−2.92 to 7.42]0.51834.50.3270.999
 ASPECTS 6  4.88 [−2.19 to 11.96]0.518140.3040.999
 ASPECTS 75.00 [0.21 to 117.9]0.2770.88 [0.06–12.97]0.2821.27 [−2.59 to 5.13]0.518440.6160.999
 ASPECTS 82.18 [0.35 to 13.76]0.2773.61 [0.64–20.32]0.2820.64 [−2.24 to 3.53]0.518340.7060.999
 ASPECTS 910.50 [0.91 to 121.4]0.2774.50 [0.59–34.61]0.2822.81 [−1.16 to 6.77]0.51824.50.2070.999
 ASPECTS 10   1 
 ASPECTS 0–626.67 [2.31–308.0]0.136#3.98 [1.30 to 6.65]0.175#240.0100.249#
 ASPECTS 7–105.41 [1.53 to 19.12]3.50 [1.20–10.19]0.136#1.73 [0.00 to 3.46]0.175#340.0480.249#
ASPECTS indicates Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NCCT, noncontrast computed tomography; OR, odds ratio; and UW-mRS, utility-weighted mRS.
Treatment compared with control, that is, for OR the control group is the reference level, and the difference of UW-mRS is treatment–control.
Unconditional logistic regression.
Linear regression.
Median regression.
Results that are not estimable or unreliable.
The interaction term between continuous ASPECTS and treatment arm.
The interaction term between dichotomous ASPECTS and treatment arm.
For dichotomized ASPECTS (Table 3), there was a significant treatment interaction only for 90-day mRS 0 to 2 (interaction term P=0.04) with greater treatment benefit seen in the ASPECTS 7 to 10 group (odds ratio, 7.50 [2.71–20.77] versus odds ratio, 0.48 [0.04–5.40] in ASPECTS 0–6). For 90-day UW-mRS, the treatment benefit was numerically higher for ASPECTS 7 to 10 (difference of average UW-mRS [treatment minus control] 2.42 versus 0.12 for ASPECTS 7–10 versus 0–6, respectively; interaction term P=0.16). The point estimates for treatment benefit for 90-day mRS 0 to 3 were nearly identical between the ASPECTS subgroups. The Rankin Scale distributions by treatment and dichotomized NCCT ASPECTS are shown in Figure 1. There was a relatively uniform shift towards better outcomes with treatment in ASPECTS 7 to 10 subjects. A bidirectional effect was observed in the ASPECTS 0 to 6 group, with treatment associated with a greater proportion of mRS 0 to 3 outcomes (50% versus 25%) due mostly to the increase in mRS 3 outcomes, and also a greater proportion of mRS 5 to 6 outcomes (40% versus 25%) owing to a 30% increase in mortality.
Figure 1. Noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT): Treatment effect by dichotomized Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS).
After further adjusting for age and baseline NIHSS, none of the interaction analyses were statistically significant (Table II in the Data Supplement).

Prognostic Relationship and Treatment Effect Modification by Baseline DWI ASPECTS

There was no significant correlation between baseline DWI ASPECTS and 90-day UW-mRS in univariate (ρ, 0.02, P=0.89 for IAT; ρ, 0.04, P=0.81 for control) or multivariable analysis adjusted for age, baseline NIHSS, and treatment assignment (β, 0.12, P=0.56).
Table 3 (bottom rows) lists the treatment effect of IAT by DWI ASPECTS. For both ordinal and dichotomized ASPECTS, there was no significant ASPECTS-by-treatment interaction identified for any of the end points. Figure 2 depicts the distribution of mRS scores by treatment and dichotomized DWI ASPECTS. The shift towards better outcomes with IAT were comparable and largely unidirectional in both ASPECTS subgroups. The interaction analyses remained not statistically significant when further adjusted for age and baseline NIHSS (Table I in the Data Supplement).
Figure 2. Diffusion weighted imaging: Treatment effect by dichotomized Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS). MRI indicates magnetic resonance imaging.


In this post hoc analysis of the DAWN trial, baseline NCCT ASPECTS appeared to modify the benefit of thrombectomy. Specifically, lower ASPECTS on NCCT was associated with reduced treatment effect for the trial coprimary end points. In the analysis of dichotomized NCCT ASPECTS, the ASPECTS 0 to 6 subgroup was associated with a significantly smaller treatment benefit with respect to 90-day mRS 0 to 2 (with a point estimate for the odds ratio <1) and a numerically smaller benefit for UW-mRS. No ASPECTS-by-treatment interaction was observed in the DWI cohort.
Closer examination of the mRS distributions for dichotomized NCCT ASPECTS suggests that treatment benefit in the ASPECTS 0 to 6 group may accrue at mRS 0 to 3 rather than at mRS 0 to 2. However, this is counterbalanced by an increase in mRS 5 to 6 with IAT, resulting in an overall difference in average UW-mRS between IAT and control of 0.12, which is below the accepted minimum clinically important difference of 0.3.11 Given the small number of subjects in this subgroup, these findings require confirmation in future studies.
The differential treatment interaction observed between NCCT and DWI ASPECTS highlights an essential difference in the imaging analysis between these modalities. For the MRI group, ASPECTS was determined on the same DWI sequence that was used for assessment of trial eligibility, whereas in the CT cohort, ASPECTS was determined on imaging (NCCT) different from the qualifying scan (CTP).
The ability of NCCT ASPECTS to identify CTP-selected subjects who are less likely to benefit from IAT supports its potential utility for selecting patients for extended window thrombectomy. Although NCCT ASPECTS and CTP-estimated ischemic core volume are correlated (as demonstrated in this and other studies), they measure distinct pathophysiologic processes. ASPECTS grading scores CT hypoattenuation, which reflects ionic and vasogenic edema from blood-brain barrier breakdown and is a highly specific marker of irreversible tissue injury.10,12 CTP is a dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging technique that measures collateral perfusion and, therefore, does not provide a direct measure of tissue viability. Rather it relies on a user-defined threshold applied to a calculated perfusion parameter (in this case, cerebral blood flow) to estimate tissue that is dead. Numerous studies have shown substantial errors in CTP-estimated ischemic core volume when compared against reference standards, such as concurrent DWI and final infarct volume.13–16 The errors are seen in both directions. CTP core estimates may underestimate the true volume of acute infarction, which might explain why 21% of the CTP-selected cohort in DAWN had NCCT ASPECTS 0 to 6 and responded less favorably to thrombectomy. More importantly, CTP can overestimate acute infarct volume, potentially leading to inappropriate exclusion of patients from IAT.15,16 This was demonstrated in a post hoc analysis of the MR CLEAN trial, in which 42% of the subjects did not meet the CTP mismatch inclusion criteria from the EXTEND-IA trial (Extending the Time for Thrombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits–Intra-Arterial) but were shown to have a similar benefit of thrombectomy as those who did.17 It is unknown how many patients who were excluded from DAWN had small to moderate ischemic cores (and high ASPECTS) and would have benefited from thrombectomy. Based on the very low numbers needed to treat for benefit in the trial, this population may have been sizeable. Future studies should examine whether NCCT ASPECTS can further expand the eligible patient population in the extended window. A recent study based on a large prospectively acquired cohort reported strikingly similar outcomes between patients with high ASPECTS (6–10) treated with thrombectomy in the early (0–6 hours) and late (>6 hours) time windows.18 In this analysis, the use of MRI or CTP was not associated with outcome, whereas ASPECTS was an independent predictor. An additional advantage of NCCT is that it is available at all thrombectomy-capable centers.
In the MRI cohort, the scoring of ASPECTS on the qualifying DWI scan helps to explain the lack of treatment interaction. The trial imaging inclusion criteria, along with the high accuracy of DWI for infarct detection, ensured that the core volumes were small despite low ASPECTS. Such discrepancies between ASPECTS and infarct volume are particularly common with DWI due to its high sensitivity, which can lead to point deductions in ASPECTS regions that have only a small infarct burden. However, under different conditions, ASPECTS might provide clinically useful information on infarct localization. In a post hoc analysis of the THRACE trial (Mechanical Thrombectomy After Intravenous Alteplase Versus Alteplase Alone After Stroke), DWI ASPECTS was significantly associated with good outcome in subjects with baseline DWI lesion volume >70 mL, whereas variations in DWI lesion volume were not.19
The primary limitation of this study is the small sample size of the low ASPECTS groups, which is a consequence of the restrictive imaging criteria in DAWN and the DAWN exclusion criterion of infarcts larger than one-third of the middle cerebral artery territory on baseline CT or MRI. As a result, the adjustment of the interaction terms for age and NIHSS was likely underpowered, and there were wide CIs for the treatment effect estimates. Also, we examined multiple clinical end points and treated baseline ASPECTS in both ordinal and dichotomized fashion. Because of the hypothesis-generating nature of this analysis, we did not adjust the α level (ie, statistical significance) for multiple comparisons. Furthermore, the findings must be viewed within the context of the trial selection criteria, and no conclusions can be drawn about patients who do not meet these criteria. Randomized studies are needed to test whether primary NCCT ASPECTS-based selection can expand the eligible thrombectomy population in the extended window and to better characterize the ASPECTS threshold where treatment benefit is lost or negligible.

Supplemental Material

File (str_stroke-2018-024583_supp1.pdf)


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Received: 22 December 2018
Revision received: 24 May 2019
Accepted: 12 June 2019
Published online: 26 July 2019
Published in print: September 2019


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  1. infarction
  2. magnetic resonance imaging
  3. prognosis
  4. thrombectomy
  5. tomography




Parita Bhuva, MD*
From the Division of Neurointervention, Texas Stroke Institute, Dallas-Fort Worth (P.B., A.J.Y.)
Albert J. Yoo, MD, PhD*
From the Division of Neurointervention, Texas Stroke Institute, Dallas-Fort Worth (P.B., A.J.Y.)
Ashutosh P. Jadhav, MD, PhD
The Stroke Institute, Department of Neurology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA (A.P.J.)
Tudor G. Jovin, MD
Cooper University Hospital Neurological Institute, Camden, New Jersey (T.G.J.)
Diogo C. Haussen, MD
The Marcus Stroke and Neuroscience Center, Grady Memorial Hospital, Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA (D.C.H., R.G.N.)
Alain Bonafe, MD
Department of Neuroradiology, Hôpital Gui-de-Chauliac, Montpellier, France (A.B.)
Ronald J. Budzik, MD
Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Riverside Methodist Hospital/Ohio Health Research Institute, Columbus (R.J.B.)
Dileep R. Yavagal, MD
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine–Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL (D.R.Y.)
Ricardo A. Hanel, MD
Baptist Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL (R.A.H.)
Ameer E. Hassan, DO
Department of Neurology, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Valley Baptist Hospital, Harlingen (A.E.H.)
Marc Ribo, MD
Stroke Unit, Hospital Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain (M.R.)
Christophe Cognard, MD
Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, University Hospital of Toulouse, France (C.C.)
Cathy A. Sila, MD
University Hospitals of Cleveland, OH (C.A.S.)
Patricia M. Morgan, BSN
Stryker Neurovascular, Fremont, CA (P.M.M., Y.S., R.S.)
Yanchang Zhang, MPH
Stryker Neurovascular, Fremont, CA (P.M.M., Y.S., R.S.)
Ryan Shields, MS
Stryker Neurovascular, Fremont, CA (P.M.M., Y.S., R.S.)
Wade Smith, MD
Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco (W.S.)
Jeffrey L. Saver, MD
Department of Neurology and Comprehensive Stroke Center, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (J.L.S., D.S.L.).
David S. Liebeskind, MD
Department of Neurology and Comprehensive Stroke Center, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (J.L.S., D.S.L.).
Raul G. Nogueira, MD [email protected]
The Marcus Stroke and Neuroscience Center, Grady Memorial Hospital, Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA (D.C.H., R.G.N.)
for the DAWN Trial Investigators


Drs Bhuva and Yoo contributed equally.
Guest Editor for this article was Jean-Claude Baron, MD, ScD.
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at Supplemental Material.
Correspondence to Raul G. Nogueira, MD, Grady Memorial Hospital, 80 Jesse Hill Dr SE, Room 8D108A, Atlanta, GA 30303. Email [email protected]


Dr Yoo receives research grant support from Stryker, Medtronic, Neuravi/Cerenovus, Genentech, and Penumbra, is a consultant for Cerenovus and Genentech, and has equity ownership interest in Insera Therapeutics, Inc. Dr Jovin has the following disclosures: Consultant at Cerenovus (steering committee/data safety monitoring board–modest), Stryker Neurovascular (Principal Investigator DAWN [DWI or CTP Assessment With Clinical Mismatch in the Triage of Wake-Up and Late Presenting Strokes Undergoing Neurointervention With Trevo]-unpaid), holds Stock at Anaconda, Blockade Medical, Route 92, Corindus, FreeOx Biotech,, Silk Road, Imperative Care. Dr Nogueira reports potential conflicts with Stryker Neurovascular (DAWN Trial Principal Investigator–no compensation, Trevo Retriever Registry Steering Committee–no compensation, Trevo-2 Trial Principal Investigator–modest; Consultant–modest), Medtronic (SWIFT [SOLITAIRE FR With the Intention for Thrombectomy] Trial Steering Committee–modest; SWIFT-Prime Trial Steering Committee–no compensation; STAR [Solitaire Flow Restoration Thrombectomy for Acute Revascularization] Trial Angiographic Core Lab–significant), Penumbra (3D Separator Trial Executive Committee–no compensation), Cerenovus/ Neuravi (ENDOLOW Trial Principal Investigator, EXCELLENT Registry Principal Investigator, Analysis of Revascularization in Ischemic Stroke with EmboTrap (ARISE-2)-2 trial Steering Committee–no compensation, Physician Advisory Board, modest), Phenox (Physician Advisory Board, modest), Anaconda (Physician Advisory Board, modest), Genentech (Physician Advisory Board–modest), Biogen (Physician Advisory Board–modest), Prolong Pharmaceuticals (Physician Advisory Board–modest), Allm Inc. (Physician Advisory Board–no compensation), IschemaView (Speaker, modest), Brainomix (Research Software Use–no compensation), Sensome (Research Device Use–no compensation), Viz-AI (Physician Advisory Board, stock options), Philips (Research Software Use–no compensation, Speaker–modest), and Corindus Vascular Robotics (Physician Advisory Board, stock options). Dr Haussen is a consultant for Stryker and Vesalio. Dr Bonafe is a consultant for Stryker, Medtronic, and Phenox. Dr Yavagal is a consultant for Medtronic, Neural Analytics, Cerenovus, Rapid Medical (Steering Committee Member of TIGER [Treatment With Intent to Generate Reperfusion] Clinical Trial & Consultant); Stryker (funding for patient enrollment in DAWN trial as sponsor of the trial). Dr Ribo is a consultant for Cerenovus, Medtronic, Stryker, Apta Targets, Anaconda Biomed and has equity ownership interest in Anaconda Biomed. Dr Cognard is a consultant for Stryker, Microvention, Medtronic, and Cerenovus. A.E. Hassan is a consultant, speaker and proctor for Medtronic, Stryker, and Microvention and a consultant/speaker for Penumbra, Balt, and GE Heathcare. Dr Saver is an employee of the University of California. The University of California has patent rights in retrieval devices for stroke. Dr Saver has served as an unpaid site investigator in multicenter trials sponsored by Medtronic, Stryker, and Neuravia/Cerenovus for which the University of California Regents received payments on the basis of clinical trial contracts for the number of subjects enrolled. Dr Saver has received contracted hourly payments from Medtronic, Stryker, and Neuravia/Cerenovus and contracted stock options from Rapid Medical for services as a scientific consultant advising on rigorous trial design and conduct. Dr Liebeskind receives support as a consultant as imaging core lab for Stryker, Medtronic, Cerenovus, Vesalio, Neurvana, and Rapid Medical. The other authors report no conflicts.

Sources of Funding

The DAWN trial (DWI or CTP Assessment With Clinical Mismatch in the Triage of Wake-Up and Late Presenting Strokes Undergoing Neurointervention With Trevo) was funded by Stryker Neurovascular, Inc.

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  2. Region‐specific interobserver agreement of the Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score: A meta‐analysis, Journal of Neuroimaging, 34, 2, (195-204), (2024).
  3. Effect of computed tomography vs. computed tomography perfusion on mechanical thrombectomy outcomes within 6 hours, European Radiology, 34, 8, (5331-5338), (2024).
  4. Thrombectomy for Stroke With Large Infarct on Noncontrast CT, JAMA, 332, 16, (1355), (2024).
  5. Prognostic Accuracy of N20 Somatosensory Potential in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and Endovascular Thrombectomy, Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology, 3, 5, (2023)./doi/10.1161/SVIN.122.000735
  6. Neurological Functional Independence After Endovascular Thrombectomy and Different Imaging Modalities for Large Infarct Core Assessment, Clinical Neuroradiology, 33, 1, (21-29), (2022).
  7. Predictors of Early Neurological Improvement in Patients with Anterior Large Vessel Occlusion and Successful Reperfusion Following Endovascular Thrombectomy—Does CT Perfusion Imaging Matter?, Clinical Neuroradiology, 32, 3, (839-847), (2022).
  8. Imaging as a Selection Tool for Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke, Neurology, 97, 20_Supplement_2, (2021).
  9. Association of White Matter Lesions and Outcome After Endovascular Stroke Treatment, Neurology, 96, 3, (2021).
  10. Clinically Approximated Hypoperfused Tissue in Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke, Stroke, 52, 6, (2109-2114), (2021)./doi/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.033294
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Noncontrast Computed Tomography Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score May Modify Intra-Arterial Treatment Effect in DAWN
  • Vol. 50
  • No. 9

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  • No. 9
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