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Research Article
Originally Published 6 August 2012
Free Access

Bleeding After Initiation of Multiple Antithrombotic Drugs, Including Triple Therapy, in Atrial Fibrillation Patients Following Myocardial Infarction and Coronary Intervention: A Nationwide Cohort Study



Uncertainty remains over optimal antithrombotic treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation presenting with myocardial infarction and/or undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. We investigated the risk and time frame for bleeding following myocardial infarction/percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with atrial fibrillation according to antithrombotic treatment.

Methods and Results—

Patients with atrial fibrillation and admitted with myocardial infarction or for percutaneous coronary intervention between 2000 and 2009 (11 480 subjects, mean age 75.6 years [SD ±10.3], males 60.9%) were identified by individual level linkage of nationwide registries in Denmark. Fatal or nonfatal (requiring hospitalization) bleeding was determined according to antithrombotic treatment regimen: triple therapy (TT) with vitamin K antagonist (VKA)+aspirin+clopidogrel, VKA+antiplatelet, and dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin+clopidogrel. We calculated crude incidence rates and adjusted hazard ratios by Cox regression models. Within 1 year, 728 bleeding events were recorded (6.3%); 79 were fatal (0.7%). Within 30 days, rates were 22.6, 20.3, and 14.3 bleeding events per 100 person-years for TT, VKA+antiplatelet, and dual antiplatelet therapy, respectively. Both early (within 90 days) and delayed (90–360 days) bleeding risk with TT exposure in relation to VKA+antiplatelet was increased; hazard ratio 1.47 (1.04;2.08) and 1.36 (0.95;1.95), respectively. No significant difference in thromboembolic risk was observed for TT versus VKA+antiplatelet; hazard ratio, 1.15 (0.95;1.40).


High risk of bleeding is immediately evident with TT after myocardial infarction/percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with atrial fibrillation. A continually elevated risk associated with TT indicates no safe therapeutic window, and TT should only be prescribed after thorough bleeding risk assessment of patients.


In patients with acute coronary syndrome the presence of atrial fibrillation (AF) raises a therapeutic challenge because treatment with both vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) and antiplatelets is preferred to prevent stroke and further coronary events.13 However, rigorous antithrombotic treatment invariably raises the risk of bleeding, adding to a poorer prognosis with an estimated 5-fold mortality increase following myocardial infarction (MI).48 Existing recommendations (level C evidence) are based on small, single-center studies mostly including patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stent implantation.9 Inconsistent findings on the safety, and even the efficacy, of the recommended triple therapy (TT; with aspirin, clopidogrel, and VKA) approach in these studies is of concern.1012 Driven by this fact, guidelines endorse use of TT for as short a time as possible, but the wisdom and safety of this practice is largely unknown. It is imperative to gain further knowledge on this topic because short treatment durations may raise false expectations for physicians and patients of increased safety.
Editorial see p 1176
Clinical Perspective on p 1193
We investigated the risk and time aspect of bleeding in a nationwide cohort of AF patients with an indication for dual antiplatelet therapy (because of MI or PCI) on top of VKA treatment. As our main objective, we focused on risk and time frame of bleeding associated with TT in comparison with other treatment regimens, and, as our secondary objective, we focused on the potential benefit on the thromboembolic risk.



The National Patient Registry has kept records of all hospital admissions since 1978. Each hospitalization is coded according to the International Classification of Diseases, 8th and 10th revisions. The registry has also included operational classification codes since 1996 (The Nordic Medical Statistics Committees Classification of Surgical Procedures). Vital status and cause of death was obtained from the civil registration system through Statistics Denmark and the National Causes of Death Register, respectively. The latter holds information about the immediate, contributory, and underlying causes of death. The Danish Registry of Medicinal Product Statistics (national prescription registry) contains information on all drug prescriptions dispensed from pharmacies in Denmark since 1995. All drugs are classified according to the international Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical System. In Denmark, all residents are provided with a unique and permanent civil registration number that enables linkage between these nationwide administrative registries.


We identified subjects diagnosed with AF who had been hospitalized for MI or PCI between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2009. Subjects were eligible for inclusion if their first MI/PCI event in the study period was not preceded by a MI/PCI event up to 1 year before the index date. To allow prescriptions to be claimed and exclude unmeasured complications related to index hospitalization, a 7-day quarantine period was defined after discharge. Thus, the inclusion date was 7 days after discharge. Inclusion criteria were ongoing antithrombotic treatment in subjects alive, aged ≥30 years, and no registration with diagnosis of bleeding, MI or ischemic stroke during the quarantine period. Only individuals aged ≥10 years and alive January 1, 1997 were included. For an overview, see Figure 1. The PCI-only group resembles elective patients not having a MI before the procedure. The ICD codes used are available in online-only Data Supplement Table I.
Figure 1. Selection of the study population. MI indicates myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; and VKA, vitamin K antagonist.

Antithrombotic Treatment: VKA, Aspirin, and Clopidogrel

Claimed prescriptions of VKA (warfarin and phenprocoumon), aspirin, and clopidogrel were used to classify the following 5 types of treatment regimen: single antiplatelet therapy (AP) with aspirin or clopidogrel; VKA monotherapy with only VKA; dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with aspirin plus clopidogrel; VKA plus single AP with VKA plus aspirin or clopidogrel; or TT including all 3 drugs. For each prescription dispensed, the daily dosage was estimated for up to 7 consecutive prescriptions, enabling us to calculate the treatment regimen at any given time. This method allows for dosages and exposure status to change through time and has previously been used.5 Treatment regimen was set as a time-varying explanatory variable in the analyses. Ongoing treatment at inclusion for all 7 possible combinations was defined as baseline treatment. The Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical codes of the identified therapies are listed in online-only Data Supplement Table II.

Concomitant Treatment

Prescriptions filled up to 6 months before inclusion were recorded for the following drugs: renin-angiotensin system inhibitors; antiarrhythmic drugs (including β-blockers, calcium channel blockers, digoxin, amiodarone, and class 1C antiarrhythmic drugs); statins, glucocorticoids; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; and proton pump inhibitors.


Previous bleeding was defined as any admission for intracranial bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding (bleeding ulcer, hematemesis, melena, and unspecified gastrointestinal bleeding), bleeding from the respiratory or urinary tract, and anemia caused by bleeding within 5 years of inclusion.
Any previous diagnosis or operation for aortic or mitral valve disease was used to define potential valvular AF. Hypertension was defined as the collection of at least 2 different antihypertensive drugs at baseline as previously validated.13 A diagnosis of ischemic stroke and transient cerebral ischemia, systemic embolism, acute and chronic renal failure, peripheral arterial disease, alcohol abuse, liver disease, and malignancy within 5 years before inclusion was also determined. Diabetes mellitus was defined as treatment with glucose-lowering medication at baseline. Heart failure was defined as any admission for heart failure and use of loop diuretics as done previously.14
HAS-BLED (Hypertension, Abnormal renal/liver function, Stroke/thromboembolism, Bleeding history, Labile INR [international normalized ratio], Elderly [age >65 years], Drug consumption/alcohol abuse) scores were calculated from recorded comorbidities as previously described.15 However, data on labile INRs was not available. The use of antiplatelet therapy was not included in the score because this was an explanatory variable in the analyses. CHADS2 score (Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Age ≥75 years, Diabetes mellitus, Stroke/transient ischemic attack) for every patient were also calculated as done previously.13


Primary outcome was nonfatal or fatal bleeding defined as either first admission with a diagnosis of nonfatal bleeding registered at discharge or as death from bleeding identified through the National Causes of Death Register.4,5 Occurrence and type of bleeding as recorded in hospital databases have shown a positive predictive value of 89% to 99%.16 If admission for nonfatal bleeding was followed by death due to bleeding within 1 week of admission, the bleeding was recorded as fatal. For secondary outcome, we used thromboembolic events of cardiovascular death or death from ischemic stroke, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal ischemic stroke. For all outcomes under investigation, only the first event was registered.

Statistical Analysis

Patient characteristics according to treatment regimen at baseline are expressed as percentages or as means and standard deviations. Crude incidence rates of fatal bleeding, nonfatal bleeding, and thromboembolic events were determined within 1 year. Adjusted incidence rate ratios were calculated in a Poisson regression model. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to estimate the risk of the primary outcomes in a landmark analysis in early (0–89 days) and delayed (90–360 days) time periods, and of the secondary outcome within 1 year. For both models treatment regimen was set as a time-varying covariate. This implied that subjects were only considered at risk when taking the corresponding antithrombotic drugs. For sensitivity, a model in which the baseline treatment regimen was used as non–time-dependent exposure was also constructed. All analyses were adjusted for age, sex, year of admission, and PCI as inclusion group, whereas HAS-BLED was used for bleeding outcomes and CHADS2 score was used for thromboembolic outcomes. Subjects were censored after 360 days from inclusion, when the follow-up period ended on December 31, 2009 or in the case of death from other causes than the outcome under investigation. The interval 180 to 360 days from inclusion was used as reference when calculating the incidence rate ratios. For the Poisson and Cox model, we tested goodness-of-fit and the proportional hazard assumption, respectively. Both models were investigated for linearity of continuous variables and any significant interactions between the available covariates. None of the assumptions were violated, and no interactions were found. A 2-sided significance level of 0.05 was used. All analyses were performed with SAS statistical package version 9.2. (SAS Institute Inc, NC) and Stata statistical package version 11.0 (StataCorp LP).


The Danish Data Protection Agency approved this study (ref: 2007-58-0015, int ref: GEH-2010-001), and data were made available such that individuals could not be identified. Retrospective register studies do not require ethical approval in Denmark.



Selection of the study population and baseline characteristics are summarized in Figure 1 and Table 1, respectively. Of 11 480 subjects in the study, 6993 (60.9%) were males. Mean age was 75.6 years (SD 10.3). The group with MI as inclusion criteria consisted of 8775 (76.4%) subjects, and hereof 1521 (17.3%) had a PCI performed within 1 week, and the solitary PCI group comprised 2705 (23.6%) subjects. Males were ≈6 years younger. Almost 10% had a history of bleeding before inclusion, and the mean HAS-BLED score was 2.1 (SD 0.9), and the mean CHADS2 score was 1.5 (SD 1.5). All regimens containing clopidogrel were more common in patients having a PCI performed regardless of MI status.
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population
 Total (n=11 480)MonotherapyDual TherapyTriple Therapy
 Aspirin (n=3388)Clopidogrel (n=768)VKA (n=848)Aspirin+Clopidogrel (n=3144)Aspirin+VKA (n=1310)Clopidogrel+VKA (n=527)Aspirin+Clopidogrel+VKA (n=1495)
Males6993 (60.9)1725 (50.9)475 (61.9)518 (61.1)1972 (62.7)805 (64.5)388 (73.6)1110 (74.3)
Age (males, y±SD)73.3±10.276.5±10.571.0±10.773.5±9.671.9±10.774.5±9.271.6±8.871.2±8.8
Age (females, y±SD)79.3±9.381.8±9.477.3±9.377.6±8.378.4±9.978.8±8.075.4±8.476.5±7.7
MI as inclusion criterion8775 (76.4)3166 (93.5)491 (63.9)760 (89.6)2203 (70.1)1147 (87.6)246 (46.7)762 (51.0)
    With PCI within 1 d1085 (9.5)99 (2.9)95 (12.4)35 (4.1)507 (16.1)45 (3.4)57 (10.8)247 (16.5)
    With PCI within 2–7 d436 (3.8)37 (1.1)46 (6.0)10 (1.2)194 (6.3)17 (1.3)26 (4.9)109 (6.9)
PCI as inclusion criterion2705 (23.6)222 (6.6)277 (36.1)88 (10.4)941 (29.9)163 (12.4)281 (53.3)733 (49.0)
    PCI with stent implanted2177 (19.0)110 (3.3)240 (31.3)50 (5.9)789 (25.1)89 (6.8)243 (46.1)656 (43.9)
Inclusion year (2001–2003)3724 (32.4)1573 (46.4)235 (30.6)336 (39.6)692 (22.0)511 (39.0)121 (23.0)256 (17.1)
Inclusion year (2004–2009)7756 (67.6)1815 (53.6)533 (69.4)512 (60.4)2452 (78.0)799 (61.0)406 (77.0)1239 (82.9)
    Previous ischemic stroke1374 (12.0)451 (13.3)83 (10.8)135 (15.9)308 (9.8)205 (15.7)53 (10.1)139 (9.3)
    Previous bleeding1052 (9.2)406 (12.0)77 (10.0)91 (10.7)230 (7.3)116 (8.9)50 (9.5)82 (5.5)
    Malignancy1032 (9.0)356 (10.5)65 (8.5)77 (9.1)284 (9.0)99 (7.6)55 (10.4)96 (6.4)
    Heart failure3387 (29.5)1,132 (33.4)180 (23.4)324 (38.2)714 (22.7)490 (37.4)146 (27.7)401 (26.8)
    Hypertension8532 (74.3)2,324 (68.6)552 (71.9)638 (75.2)2324 (73.9)1035 (79.0)434 (82.4)1225 (81.9)
    Diabetes mellitus1865 (16.3)543 (16.0)119 (16.6)148 (17.5)456 (14.5)253 (19.3)84 (16.0)262 (17.5)
Potential valvular AF1312 (11.4)348 (10.3)77 (10.0)143 (16.9)310 (9.9)185 (14.1)68 (12.9)181 (12.1)
CHADS2 score        
    Low/intermediate (score 0–1)4240 (36.9)1108 (32.7)332 (43.2)282 (33.3)1368 (43.5)362 (27.6)202 (38.3)586 (39.2)
    High (score ≥2)7240 (63.1)2280 (67.3)436 (56.8)566 (66.7)1776 (56.5)948 (72.4)325 (61.7)909 (60.8)
HAS-BLED score        
    Low (score 0–1)2828 (24.6)791 (23.4)227 (29.6)195 (23.0)887 (28.2)254 (19.4)119 (22.6)355 (23.8)
    Intermediate (score 2)5410 (47.1)1522 (44.9)333 (43.4)391 (46.1)1455 (46.3)674 (51.5)264 (50.1)771 (51.6)
    High (score ≥3)3242 (28.2)1075 (31.7)208 (27.1)262 (30.9)802 (25.5)382 (29.2)144 (27.3)369 (24.7)
Concomitant treatment        
    RAS inhibitors6740 (58.7)1717 (50.7)435 (56.6)512 (60.4)1836 (58.4)864 (66.0)360 (68.3)1016 (68.0)
    β-blockers8445 (73.6)2175 (64.3)561 (73.1)557 (65.7)2498 (79.5)992 (75.7)412 (78.2)1247 (83.4)
    Statins7009 (61.1)1325 (39.1)536 (69.8)366 (43.2)2385 (75.9)761 (58.1)401 (76.1)1235 (82.6)
    Antiarrhythmic drugs*10 694 (93.2)3028 (89.4)716 (93.2)791 (93.3)2955 (94.0)1258 (96.0)505 (95.8)1441 (96.4)
    Steroids1203 (10.5)434 (12.8)82 (10.7)92 (10.9)321 (10.2)115 (8.8)40 (7.6)119 (8.0)
    NSAID2351 (20.5)725 (21.4)158 (20.6)165 (19.5)668 (21.3)227 (17.3)106 (20.1)302 (20.2)
    PPI3013 (26.3)944 (27.9)236 (30.7)21.7 (184)874 (27.8)322 (24.6)113 (21.4)340 (22.7)
Values are presented as n (%), number (rounded column percent). VKA indicates vitamin K antagonist; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; AF, atrial fibrillation; CHADS2 score, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, age ≥75 y, Diabetes mellitus, Stroke/transient ischemic attack; HAS-BLED, Hypertension, Abnormal renal/liver function, Stroke/thromboembolism, Bleeding history, Labile INR, Elderly (age >65 y), Drug consumption/alcohol abuse; RAS, renin-angiotensin system; INR, international normalized ratio; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; and PPI, proton pump inhibitors.
Including β-blockers, digoxin, class 1C antiarrhythmic drugs, calcium channel blockers, and amiodarone.

Timing and Risk of Bleeding

Figure 2 demonstrates markedly raised crude incidence rates of bleeding immediately after initiation of TT, and TT bleeding rates were higher than for all other regimens regardless of time elapsed. Within 30 days, crude rates were 22.6, 20.3, and 14.3 major bleeding events per 100 person-years for TT, VKA plus single AP, and DAPT, respectively. The adjusted analysis of incidence rate ratios demonstrated that for all types of regimens, with the exception of VKA monotherapy, the risk was frontloaded (Figure 3). An adjusted landmark analysis of risk in early (0–89 days from inclusion) and delayed (90–360 days) time periods also showed continually elevated bleeding risk with TT relative to VKA plus single AP or DAPT (Figure 4). Increased hazard ratios were also seen for TT in comparison with VKA plus clopidogrel but insignificant; early (hazard ratio [HR] 1.37 [0.81;2.31] and delayed (HR 1.07 [0.66;1.73]) time periods. A cross-sectional view of the study population at days 90 and 180 from discharge showed that 989 (of 9962 subjects at risk) and 719 (of 9076 subjects at risk) were treated with ongoing TT, respectively. Hence, the proportion of subjects on ongoing TT at inclusion, day 90, and day 180 after discharge were 13.0%, 9.9%, and 7.9%, respectively.
Figure 2. Crude incidence rates of fatal and nonfatal bleeding according to antithrombotic regimen in time periods following inclusion. Error bars show standard errors. Triple therapy includes aspirin, clopidogrel, and vitamin K antagonists (VKAs); VKA+single antiplatelet therapy includes VKA+aspirin or clopidogrel; dual antiplatelet therapy includes aspirin and clopidogrel; VKA monotherapy includes only VKA; single antiplatelet therapy includes aspirin or clopidogrel.
Figure 3. Adjusted incidence rate ratios for type of treatment regimen according to treatment interval. Adjusted for age, sex, year of admission, HAS-BLED score (Hypertension, Abnormal renal/liver function, Stroke/thromboembolism, Bleeding history, Labile INR, Elderly [age >65 years], Drug consumption/alcohol abuse), and PCI inclusion status. Triple therapy includes aspirin, clopidogrel, and vitamin K antagonists (VKA); VKA+single antiplatelet therapy includes VKA+aspirin or clopidogrel; dual antiplatelet therapy includes aspirin and clopidogrel; VKA monotherapy includes only VKA; single antiplatelet therapy includes aspirin or clopidogrel. IRR indicates incidence rate ratio; INR, international normalized ratio; and PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.
Figure 4. Risk of early and delayed bleeding in a landmark analysis following MI or PCI in AF patients comparing type of antithrombotic treatment regimen. Adjusted for age, sex, year of admission, HAS-BLED score (Hypertension, Abnormal renal/liver function, Stroke/thromboembolism, Bleeding history, Labile INR, Elderly [age >65 years], Drug consumption/alcohol abuse), and PCI inclusion status. MI indicates myocardial infarction; INR, international normalized ratio; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; AF, atrial fibrillation; VKA, vitamin K antagonist; and AP, antiplatelet (aspirin or clopidogrel).

Bleeding, Cardiovascular Death, MI, and Stroke During 360 Days of Follow-Up

During a mean follow-up of 288.1 days, 728 (6.3%) subjects experienced nonfatal or fatal bleeding (Table 2), and a total of 2534 (22.1%) events of the combined end point of cardiovascular death, MI, and ischemic stroke were observed. Nine of 10 fatal bleedings were intracranial or gastrointestinal of origin. Table 3 summarizes characteristics of bleeding events for each combination of therapy at 360 days of follow-up. Figure 5 shows crude incidence rates and number of thromboembolic and bleeding events. The highest bleeding rate was observed for TT (14.2 events per 100 person-years), whereas the rate of the combined end points of cardiovascular death, MI, and ischemic stroke was similar for TT and VKA plus single AP with rates of 20.1 and 19.4, respectively. The overall trend was that rates of bleeding increased, whereas rates of thromboembolic events decreased with intensity of antithrombotic treatment regimen. The adjusted Cox model showed significant increased risk of bleeding for TT relative to VKA plus single AP at 1-year (HR 1.41 [1.10;1.81]), whereas the estimates for the combined end points of cardiovascular death, MI, and ischemic stroke showed no significant benefit with TT use (HR 1.15 [0.95;1.40]).
Table 2. Distribution and Type of Nonfatal and Fatal Bleedings
 Nonfatal Bleeding, n (%)Fatal Bleeding, n (%)
Intracranial38 (5.8)36 (48.0)
Gastrointestinal221 (33.8)34 (45.3)
Respiratory109 (16.7)1 (1.3)
Urogenital120 (18.4)0 (0.0)
Anemia caused by bleeding165 (25.3)4 (5.3)
Total bleeding events65375
Table 3. Characteristics and Incidence Rates of Bleeding Following MI or PCI in AF Patients Treated With Different Antithrombotic Drug Regimens
 Duration in Treatment Group Until Bleeding (Person Years)No. of Nonfatal and Fatal BleedingsProportion of Nonfatal and Fatal Bleedings, %*Time to Nonfatal or Fatal Bleeding (d, Median[IQR])Mean Treatment Duration Until Bleeding, dCrude Incidence Rate of Nonfatal and Fatal Bleeding at 1 y [95% CI]§Crude Incidence Rate of Nonfatal and Fatal Bleeding at 1 y [95% CI]§
    Aspirin2591.61812542 [13–118]1387.0 [6.0; 8.1]7.7 [6.4; 9.1]
    Clopidogrel548.736534 [16–78]716.6 [4.7; 9.1]8.9 [6.2; 12.9]
    VKA646.945645 [13–60]997.0 [5.2; 9.3]7.9 [5.6; 11.2]
Dual therapy       
    Aspirin+clopidogrel2292.21602241 [15–96]1627.0 [6.0; 8.2]9.1 [7.6; 11.0]
    VKA+aspirin1267.21201622 [13–39]1429.5 [7.9; 11.3]9.9 [8.0; 12.3]
    VKA+clopidogrel367.43958 [3–17]9210.6 [7.8; 14.5]11.2 [7.6; 16.5]
Triple therapy       
    Aspirin+clopidogrel+VKA803.11141618 [5–44]12114.2 [11.8; 17.1]16.0 [12.8; 20.1]
IQR indicates interquartile range; AF, atrial fibrillation; CHADS2 score, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, age ≥75 y, Diabetes mellitus, Stroke/transient ischemic attack; VKA, vitamin K antagonist; MI, myocardial infarction; and PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.
Number of bleedings in group÷728×100.
Treatment is set as time-varying variable, and reported data are summed from inclusion.
Treatment is set as time-varying variable, and reported data are given as mean without standard deviation because of right censoring.
All crude incidence rates are number of events per 100 person-years.
Only patients with CHADS2 ≥2 (ie, 7240 patients).
Figure 5. Thromboembolic and bleeding outcomes following MI or PCI in AF patients according to type of antithrombotic treatment regimen. Error bars show standard errors. Triple therapy includes aspirin, clopidogrel, and vitamin K antagonists (VKA); VKA+single antiplatelet therapy includes VKA+aspirin or clopidogrel; dual antiplatelet therapy includes aspirin and clopidogrel; VKA monotherapy includes only VKA; single antiplatelet therapy includes aspirin or clopidogrel. MI indicates myocardial infarction; AF, atrial fibrillation; and PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.

Sensitivity Analyses

Our main results of increased early bleeding risk for all regimens were shown to be consistent when baseline treatment regimen was used as non–time-dependent exposure (online-only Data Supplement Figure I). We calculated adjusted incidence rate ratios of subgroups consisting of male/female, elderly (aged ≥75 years/<75 years), inclusion status (MI or PCI) and CHADS2 score ≥2 (online-only Data Supplement Figure IIA and IIB). No interactions were found, ie, the risk associated with each treatment regimen was not significantly different between the various subgroups. For patients with a definite theoretical indication for VKA therapy (ie, 7240 patients with a CHADS2 score ≥2) crude incidence rates of bleeding were similar for all antithrombotic combinations (Table 3).


Our main finding is that AF patients following MI or PCI are immediately at risk of clinically significant bleeding with recommended TT use. Although the risk decreased over time, the initial elevated risk associated with TT was sustained over time compared to less intensive antithrombotic regimens; indicating no safe therapeutic window of TT in respect to bleeding risk.
Studies of the time-dependent aspect of bleeding risk concerning ongoing combination antithrombotic therapy are scarce and show discrepant results. In 80 PCI patients treated with TT for 1 month, Porter et al10 concluded that TT did not show prohibitively increased bleeding risk. This is in contrast to our results and those of Rogacka et al17 who found that the majority of bleeding complications occurred within the first month. Similarly, in a large AF population treated with warfarin, the bleeding risk was greatest in the first month after initiation and then declined.18 Also longer-term bleeding risk with antithrombotic combination therapy shows inconsistency. After follow-up of >1½ years, Ruiz-Nodar et al12 did not find a substantial increase of bleeding in patients treated with coumarin combined with none, single, or dual antiplatelets after stent implantation in comparison with non–coumarin-treated patients. As previously shown by our group and others, in predominately AF or MI populations, long-term follow-up of antiplatelets added to VKA are associated with more bleeds.4,5,19 In real-life AF patients experiencing an acute coronary event, the present study reveals a short-term hazard with TT and also VKA plus single AP use that seems most apparent during the first 3 months. Although patients treated with VKA plus clopidogrel had lower bleeding rates than TT, the adjusted analysis could not demonstrate a clear difference that is in concordance with our previous findings. Clinicians should be aware of a similar bleeding hazard for this combination.
In light of the lack of randomized trials, Paikin et al20 performed a meta-analysis of TT in AF patients treated with PCI, which supported the recommendation that short treatment duration should be maintained because of an assumed increased risk with time. The meta-analysis comprised small and highly heterogeneous studies, and the total number of TT patients was smaller (n=1349) than in our study. Our novel findings, on the contrary, suggest that patients are immediately at risk on top of a continuing threat with the use of TT.
Our study reflects antithrombotic treatment regimens prescribed in everyday practice on a national level and shows that a large proportion of the patients were only prescribed monotherapy at baseline (43.6%). Former observational studies comprise small PCI-only populations with stringent inclusion criteria concerning antithrombotic treatment and, hence, show a high proportion of VKA plus mono or dual antiplatelet therapy subjects.12,21 This difference is readily explained by the additional inclusion of MI patients in the present cohort, and the fact that all regimens including clopidogrel treatment were shown to be more prevalent when a PCI was performed. The latter indicates that a more intense treatment regimen is chosen when patients are seen by an interventional cardiologist. However, our subgroup analysis of PCI subjects did not show these patients′ risks of early bleeding to be any different.
An expected favorable effect was seen for TT on crude incidence rates of the combined end points of cardiovascular death, MI, and ischemic stroke relative to monotherapies and DAPT, but the combination of a VKA plus a single AP actually seemed to perform similarly to TT. This was consistent in the adjusted analysis and was also found in another observational study,21 whereas a systematic review9 endorses TT because of a presumed protection of thromboembolic events. Findings are conflicting, and differences among the included studies are prominent, most notably the focus on AF patients with coronary stents in small single-center registries, whereas the present study holds nationwide data on antithrombotic drug use and outcomes observed in everyday practice. A clear benefit of TT on thrombosis protection in comparison with VKA plus AP in these patients is questionable, and further studies on the optimal treatment type and duration, and patient selection, as well, are warranted.
Novel anticoagulation agents have recently emerged. In competition with placebo in large trials of patients with acute coronary syndrome, findings question the security of adding additional anticoagulant drugs onto dual antiplatelet therapy. The Apixiban for Prevention of Acute Ischemic Events-2 (APPRAISE-2) trial had to be stopped early because of an increased bleeding rate,22 whereas the highest dose of rivaroxaban in the Anti-Xa Therapy to Lower Cardiovascular Events in Addition to Standard Therapy in Subjects with Acute Coronary Syndrome–Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 51 (ATLAS ACS–TIMI 51) showed significant reduction of ischemic events but a >4-fold increase of major nonfatal bleedings.23 These findings on adding rivaroxaban in patients with acute coronary syndrome resemble ours when comparing TT with DAPT (without VKA) on rates of bleeding and ischemic events. However, very-low-dose rivaroxaban showed promising results with no difference in fatal bleeding in comparison with placebo. Short-term very-low-dose rivaroxaban could be a safer choice as part of TT in AF patients with acute coronary syndrome, although a potential trade-off concerning lesser efficient thromboprophylaxis must be investigated.

Strengths and Limitations

The study includes nationwide data, independent of socioeconomic status, race, employment status, and participation in health insurance programs (minimizing selection bias). We did not have clinical information to define the severity of the bleeding episode, but by using a definition of bleeding based on admissions, we presume that this event of bleeding is clinically severe enough to warrant hospitalization. Last, minor bleeding not causing hospitalization or death could not be identified, and therefore our results could underestimate the true risk associated with antithrombotic therapy. However, our study population reflects real-world patients, in contrast to patients enrolled in a randomized setting who are often highly selected with respect to low bleeding risk, and standardized management protocols are rigorously applied and may not mirror everyday practice.24
Data in the registries have previously been validated, including diagnosis of MI, stroke, and AF.2527 Several studies demonstrate that choice of antithrombotic treatment shows wide variability,28,29 and, in this present observational study, the primary limitations consist of confounding by indication, ie, we had no knowledge of reasons affecting the physicians' choice of antithrombotic therapy and hence may confound outcomes. This bias is expected to affect our results on bleeding risk conservatively, ie, more intensive antithrombotic therapy is most likely to be prescribed to healthier patients at a perceived lesser risk of bleeding. Furthermore, we adjusted for prognostic factors for bleeding by the validated HAS-BLED score. Aspirin is available as over the counter and hence not recorded, but chronic aspirin users collect financial reimbursement when prescribed, ensuring high persistence.5 We applied sensitivity analyses to ensure the robustness of our findings. To assess an effect of presumed physician's choice of treatment during admission, baseline treatment regimen was used as non–time-dependent exposure, and we also found a similar early risk of bleeding in patients with a theoretical indication of VKA therapy (CHADS2 score ≥2). Unmeasured confounders, eg, INR levels, have not been determined, and quality of treatment in a real-life setting is difficult to establish. In a controlled environment, time in therapeutic range in Denmark is high,30 but the bias of residual confounding remains.


Our main finding is an immediately high risk of bleeding with recommended TT (with aspirin, clopidogrel, and VKA) after MI or PCI in AF patients that decreases over time. However, the risk was continually elevated in comparison with less intense antithrombotic regimens. Our data of real-life patients suggests that even short-term TT is hazardous in regard to bleeding risk, and TT has no safe therapeutic window. TT should only be prescribed after careful evaluation of bleeding risk.

Clinical Perspective

Uncertainty remains regarding optimal antithrombotic treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation presenting with myocardial infarction or undergoing coronary intervention. Present expert statements (Level C evidence) recommend triple therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and vitamin K antagonist, with treatment limited to as short a time as possible because of a perceived greater risk of bleeding with prolonged treatment. In the current study, we examined the risk of bleeding associated with different antithrombotic treatment regimens in a nationwide real-life cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation and myocardial infarction and/or coronary intervention. We demonstrated an immediately high risk of bleeding with triple therapy that decreases over time. Nevertheless, the risk was continually elevated in comparison with less intense antithrombotic regimens, which suggests that triple therapy has no safe therapeutic window. No benefit was present for a combined thromboembolic end point of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and ischemic stroke for triple therapy relative to vitamin K antagonist plus a single antiplatelet agent. Until data from randomized trials are available, our results suggest that triple therapy should only be prescribed after careful evaluation of bleeding risk.

Supplemental Material

File (114967_supplemental_material.pdf)
File (lamberts_1185.pdf)

Sources of Funding

This study was funded by a grant from the Department of Cardiology, Gentofte University Hospital.


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Pages: 1185 - 1193
PubMed: 22869839


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Received: 16 February 2012
Accepted: 5 July 2012
Published online: 6 August 2012
Published in print: 4 September 2012


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  1. anticoagulants
  2. atrial fibrillation
  3. hemorrhage
  4. myocardial infarction
  5. percutaneous coronary intervention
  6. antithrombotic treatment
  7. triple therapy




Morten Lamberts, MD
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).
Jonas Bjerring Olesen, MD
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).
Martin Huth Ruwald, MD
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).
Carolina Malta Hansen, MD
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).
Deniz Karasoy, MD
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).
Søren Lund Kristensen, MD
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).
Lars Køber, MD,, DMSc
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).
Christian Torp-Pedersen, MD,, DMSc
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).
Gunnar Hilmar Gislason, MD,, PhD
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).
Morten Lock Hansen, MD,, PhD
From the Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Hellerup (M.L., J.B.O., M.H.R., C.M.H., D.K., S.L.K., C.T.-P., G.H.G., M.L.H.); and Department of Cardiology, the Heart Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (L.K.).


The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Morten Lamberts, MD, Department of Cardiology, Post 635, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Niels Andersens Vej 65, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark. E-mail: [email protected]



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Bleeding After Initiation of Multiple Antithrombotic Drugs, Including Triple Therapy, in Atrial Fibrillation Patients Following Myocardial Infarction and Coronary Intervention
  • Vol. 126
  • No. 10

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