On the cover: X-galactosidase staining of R26R;Tie2-Cre transgenic mouse heart (D), lung (E), and kidney (G). Expression of lacZ is observed in essentially all of the endothelial cells of R26R;Tie2-Cre transgenic tissues. In the R26R;Tie2-Cre heart, not only endothelial cells of coronary arteries and veins but also endocardial cells (arrowheads in D) are lacZ positive. In the R26R;Tie2-Cre lung, expression of lacZ is observed in the endothelial cells of alveolar walls but not in the airway (arrows in E). In the kidney (G), lacZ is detected in endothelial cells of glomeruli and peritubular blood vessels but not in nephron epithelium. (See page 121.)